PMVA Training
Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA) Training specialist
MHC-TRAINING is for all staff in Health & Social Care. It follows CSTF standards and incorporates standards guided by BILD/RRN & The GSA. All training is delivered in-house by our dedicated training team to ensure all staff are equipped to provide excellence in care.
Our Experience in PMVA Training
Training in PMVA for Your Care Team
PMVA Training helps to reduce the risks of violence and aggression in your service by developing staff knowledge, skills and attitudes to effectively employ de-escalation skills, breakaway and disengagement tactics or control and restraint interventions appropriately within the context of their service users, residents, patients and clients. The training meets NHS Protect standards in conflict resolution and physical intervention.
Our PMVA courses develop three levels of prevention and management of violence and aggression:
– Proactive strategies to prevent incidents of aggression or violence
– Retro-active strategies to defuse and de-escalate an emerging situation
– Reactive Strategies to minimise injury risk and regain control of a situation.
Your team will learn to safely apply appropriate non-restrictive or (where necessary) restrictive physical interventions as alternatives to the primary non-escalation and secondary de-escalation strategies which we will help you to put in place.

We offer the following PMVA training:
- 1 Day Breakaway
- 1 -2 Days PMVA (Refresher course).
- 3 Days PMVA (Intensive course).
4 Days or 5 Days(Only offered as an extension to candidates when they consistently fail during or at the end of the 3 Days course). We will normally offer you a three-day course, to begin with, then if you are unable to pass the assessments, we can extend to a four-day course and at the worse, a five-day course. Please note that you will have to pay the difference between a three-day and a five-day course if we were to upgrade you to a four or five-day. Check with the lead instructor for the difference in price before booking
Breakaway Training
This training uses techniques approved by the GSA and is aligned to meet the standards set out by BILD and RRN. It is tailored to your organisation’s specific needs and covers all institutions with a challenging behaviour clientelle and Mental Health concerns. The aim is for staff to be able to manage and control these incidents in a safe manor using the least restrictive response.

2 Days PMVA Training (Refresher Course)
After completing the 3-4 Day PMVA Course with MHC-TRAINING or any other organisation, you are required to take a Refresher Course every year that follows. This course is designed to keep you up to date with possible changes in the initial course as well as to refresh your skills. Evidence has it that candidates require these refreshers to remain compliant with organisations’ mandatory requirements. In the event of a missed or lapsed refresher course, the candidate has to complete the 3-4 Days PMVA training.

3 Days PMVA Training
This is a mandatory course for those intending or working in a violent/aggressive or challenging behaviour setting. This includes NHS Hospitals, Private Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and all Social Care Organisations with clients that have Mental Health Challenges. The course is designed for any candidate with no prior PMVA training or who has had their Refresher Course expire without renewal. The course is designed to follow BILD and RRN Standards for Organisations that may employ restrictive practices. The Physical Intervention Techniques taught you to follow The GSA Guidelines.

What Our Users Say About Us

Health & Safety Requirements
Completion of delegate fitness Questionnaire.
Disclosure of any issues which might affect the ability to complete the physical nature of this intensive training. This includes pregnancy, as it may impede completion. It is advisable that prospective delegates should seek medical advice and clearance from a qualified practitioner before attending.
Suitable dress code, for example, flat soles such as trainers, loose clothing, and comfortable tops. Some candidates require the use of knee pads. This is down to the candidate and we do not provide this.
All delegates are to avoid excessive Jewellery (Jewellery is best not to be worn or must be kept away for your safety and that of others) hair must be tied back neatly and nails cut short.